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POST NAME Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023
POST  153
POST INFORMATION Central Warehousing Corporation is announced Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 for 153 Vacancies ,Which is  Schedule-A Mini-Ratna, Category-I, Central Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, providing Scientific storage facilities for agricultural inputs, produce and other notified commodities besides providing logistics infrastructure like CFSs/ICDs, Land Custom Stations, Air Cargo Complexes etc. for import-export cargo.

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Brief Overview

Recruitment Organization Central Warehousing Corporation
Post Name  Assistant Engineer, Accountant, Superintendent, and Junior Technical Assistant
Vacancy 153
Category Engineering jobs
Apply Online Starts 26 August 2023
Apply Online Ends 24 September 2023
Selection Process Written Test/ Interview
Official Website

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Important Dates

Event Date
Notification Release 24/08/2023
Apply Online Starts 26/08/2023
Apply Online Ends 24/09/2023

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Vacancy

Post Name  Vacancies
Assistant Engineer (Civil) 18
Assistant Engineer (Electrical) 05
Accountant 24
Superintendent (G) 11
Junior Technical Assistant 81
Superintendent (G)- SRD (NE) 02
Junior Technical Assistant- SRD (NE) 10
Junior Technical Assistant- SRD (UT of Ladakh) 02

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Age Limit

Assistant Engineer
(Civil), Assistant Engineer
(Electrical), Accountant, Superintendent
(General), Superintendent
(General)- SRD (NE)
30 Years (i.e. candidates
should not have been born
earlier than 25.09.1993 and
later than 24.09.2005; both
days inclusive)
Junior Technical
Assistant, Junior Technical
Assistant- SRD (NE) , Junior Technical
Assistant- SRD (UT
of Ladakh) 
28 Years (i.e. candidates should not
have been born earlier than 25.09.1995
and later than 24.09.2005; both days
Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 SELECTION PROCESS
Assistant Engineer (Civil), Assistant
Engineer (Electrical), Accountant, Superintendent (General), Superintendent (General)]- SRD (NE)
Online Test + Document Verification followed by
Junior Technical Assistant, Junior Technical Assistant)- SRD (NE), Junior Technical Assistant)- SRD (UT of Ladakh) Online Test + Document Verification
Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS
Name of the Post Educational Qualifications Experience
Assistant Engineer
A Degree in Civil Engineering NIL
Assistant Engineer
A Degree in Electrical Engineering NIL
Accountant B.Com or BA (Commerce) or Chartered Accountant or Costs and Works
Accountants or SAS Accountants of the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department with about three years’ experience in Maintaining and auditing
of Accounts in Industrial / Commercial /Departmental Undertakings
3 Years
Post Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognised University or
Junior Technical
Degree in Agriculture or a degree with Zoology, Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry
as one of the subjects
(General)- SRD (NE)
Post Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognised University or
Junior Technical
Assistant- SRD (NE)
Degree in Agriculture or a degree with Zoology, Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry
as one of the subjects
Junior Technical
Assistant- SRD (UT
of Ladakh)
Degree in Agriculture or a degree with Zoology, Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry
as one of the subjects
Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Structure of the Online examination
Assistant Engineer (Civil/Electrical)
Name of the Tests No. Of
Medium of
Time allotted for each
Test (Separately timed)
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 20 20 Hindi and
25 Minutes
English Language 25 25 English 25 Minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation and
Quantitative Aptitude
25 25 Hindi and
30 Minutes
General Awareness 20 20 Hindi and
15 Minutes
Professional Knowledge 55 110 Hindi and
55 Minutes
145 200 2 Hours 30 Minutes  


Name of the Tests No. Of
Medium of
Time allotted for each
test (Separately timed)
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 40 40 Hindi and
45 Minutes
English Language 35 35 English 25 Minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation and
Quantitative Aptitude
40 40 Hindi and
45 Minutes
General Awareness 20 20 Hindi and
15 Minutes
Professional Knowledge 65 65 Hindi and
50 Minutes
200 200 3 Hours

Superintendent (General)

Name of the Tests No. Of
Medium of
Time allotted for each
Test (Separately timed)
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 50 50 Hindi and
50 Minutes
English Language 50 50 English 30 Minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation and
Quantitative Aptitude
50 50 Hindi and
45 Minutes
General Awareness 50 50 Hindi and
25 Minutes
200 200 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Junior Technical Assistant

Name of the Tests No. Of
Medium of Exam Time allotted for each
Test (Separately timed)
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 40 40 Hindi and
35 Minute
English Language 35 35 English 20 Minute
Data Analysis & Interpretation and
Quantitative Aptitude
40 40 Hindi and
35 Minute
General Awareness 20 20 Hindi and
10 Minute
Professional Knowledge 65 65 Hindi and
50 Minute
200 200 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Syllabus
Syllabus for Assistant Engineer (Civil)

A. Structural Engineering (20 marks)
i. Engineering Mechanics
ii. Strength of Material
iii. Structural Analysis
iv. Engineering Material (other than concrete and steel)
v. Concrete Structures, Design & IS Codes
vi. Steel Structures, Design & IS CodesB. Geotechnical Engineering & Geomatics Engineering (20 marks)
i. Soil Mechanics
ii. Foundation Engineering
iii. Soil Improvement TechniquesC. Water Resources Engineering (10 marks)
i. Fluid Mechanics
ii. Hydraulics
iii. Hydrology
iv. Irrigation

D. Environmental Engineering (10 marks)
i. Water and Waste Water
ii. Air Pollution
iii. Municipal Solid Wastes
iv. Noise Pollution

E. Transportation Engineering (20 marks)
i. Transportation Infrastructure
ii. Highway Pavements
iii. Traffic Engineering

F. Surveying (10 marks)
i. Principles of surveying
ii. Maps
iii. Distance and angle measurement
iv. Traversing and triangulation survey
v. Horizontal and vertical curves
vi. Basics of GIS and GPS

G. Project Management & Planning (10 marks)

H. Concrete technology and prestressed concrete (10 marks)

Syllabus for Assistant Engineer (Electrical)

A. Electric Circuits (17 marks)
i. Network graph
ii. KCL, KVL, Node and Mesh analysis
iii. Transient response of dc and ac networks
iv. Sinusoidal steady‐state analysis
v. Resonance, Passive filters, Ideal current and voltage sources
vi. Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Superposition theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem
vii. Two‐port networks, Three phase circuits, Power and power factor in ac circuits.

B. Electromagnetic Fields (7 marks)
i. Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field Intensity, Electric Flux Density
ii. Gauss’s Law, Divergence
iii. Electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions
iv. Effect of dielectric medium
v. Capacitance of simple configurations
vi. Biot‐Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, Curl, Faraday’s law, Lorentz force
vii. Inductance, Magnetomotive force, Reluctance, Magnetic circuits
viii. Self and Mutual inductance of simple configurations.

C. Signals and Systems (7 marks)
i. Representation of continuous and discrete‐time signals
ii. Shifting and scaling operations
iii. Linear Time Invariant and Causal systems
iv. Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals
v. Sampling theorem, Applications of Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform and z-Transform.

D. Electrical Machines (16 marks)
i. Single phase transformer: equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, open circuit and short circuit tests, regulation and
ii. Three phase transformers: connections, parallel operation
iii. Auto‐transformer, Electromechanical energy conversion principles
iv. DC machines: separately excited, series and shunt, motoring and generating mode of operation and their
characteristics, starting and speed control of dc motors
v. Three phase induction motors: principle of operation, types, performance, torque-speed characteristics, no-load and
blocked rotor tests, equivalent circuit, starting and speed control
vi. Operating principle of single-phase induction motors
vii. Synchronous machines: cylindrical and salient pole machines, performance, regulation and parallel operation of
generators, starting of synchronous motor, characteristics
viii. Types of losses and efficiency calculations of electric machines.

E. Power Systems (17 marks)
i. Power generation concepts, ac and dc transmission concepts
ii. Models and performance of transmission lines and cables
iii. Series and shunt compensation
iv. Electric field distribution and insulators
v. Distribution systems, Per‐unit quantities, Bus admittance matrix
vi. Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson load flow methods
vii. Voltage and Frequency control, Power factor correction
viii. Symmetrical components, Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis
ix. Principles of over‐current, differential and distance protection
x. Circuit breakers, System stability concepts, Equal area criterion.

F. Control Systems (16 marks)
i. Mathematical modelling and representation of systems
ii. Feedback principle, transfer function, Block diagrams and Signal flow graphs
iii. Transient and Steady‐state analysis of linear time invariant systems
iv. Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist criteria, Bode plots, Root loci
v. Stability analysis, Lag, Lead and Lead‐Lag compensators
vi. P, PI and PID controllers
vii. State space model, State transition matrix.

G. Electrical and Electronic Measurements (16 marks)
i. Bridges and Potentiometers
ii. Measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor
iii. Instrument transformers, Digital voltmeters and multimeters, Phase, Time and Frequency measurement
iv. Oscilloscopes, Error analysis.

H. Analog and Digital Electronics (7 marks)
i. Characteristics of diodes, BJT, MOSFET
ii. Simple diode circuits: clipping, clamping, rectifiers
iii. Amplifiers: Biasing, Equivalent circuit and Frequency response
iv. Oscillators and Feedback amplifiers
v. Operational amplifiers: Characteristics and applications
vi. Simple active filters, VCOs and Timers, Combinational and Sequential logic circuits, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Schmitt
trigger, Sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters
vii. 8085Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing.

I. Power Electronics (7 marks)
i. Characteristics of semiconductor power devices: Diode, Thyristor, Triac, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT
ii. DC to DC conversion: Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converters; Single and three phase configuration of uncontrolled
rectifiers, Line commutated thyristor-based converters
iii. Bidirectional ac to dc voltage source converters, Issues of line current harmonics
iv. Power factor, Distortion factor of ac to dc converters, Single phase and three phase inverters, Sinusoidal pulse width

Syllabus for Accountant

A. Financial Accounting (35 marks)
i. Indian Accounting Standards (Ind As) notified by MCA under Companies Act, 2013.
ii. Accounting Process and GAAP
iii. Accounting of Income, expense, Assets & liabilities.
iv. Preparation of Bank reconciliation statement.
v. Rectification entries & disclosure notes in annual accounts.
vi. Cash flow statement.
vii. Format of preparation of final accounts of company.
viii. Banking operations: Transaction & Accounting.
ix. Pay Roll accounting
x. Nature and functions of Cost Accounting and methods of cost control/cost reduction.

B. Taxation (20 marks)
i. Income Tax: Concept and various provisions as per Income Tax Act, 1961.
ii. Salient features/ provisions related to Goods & Services Tax Act, 2017

C. Auditing (10 marks)
i. Auditing: Concept
ii. Company Audit
iii. Audit reports and Audit Certificates
iv. Ledger Scrutiny
v. Internal Control

Syllabus for Junior Technical Assistant,  Junior Technical Assistant- SRD (NE) and Junior Technical Assistant- SRD (UT of Ladakh ) 

i. Basic Agriculture (20 marks) – Crop Production, Animal Husbandry, Plant Protection, Agriculture Extension,
Horticulture, Agriculture Economics

ii. Botany (10 marks) – Cell Biology: Tissue, Organ & Organ System, Genetics, Plant Classification, Diversity,
Ecology, Life Process: Photosynthesis, Respiration, Circulation, Movement etc.

iii. Zoology (20 marks) – Insect: Morphology, Physiology, Taxonomy. Organ System, Heredity & Variation, Micro
Organisms, Storage & Public Health, Insects & Rodents, Insecticides, Toxicology

iv. Chemistry (10 marks) – Chemical bonding, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry

v. Physics (5 marks) – Motion, Force & Energy, Electricity, Magnetism, Light & Sound, Thermodynamics,

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 APPLICATION FEE / INTIMATION CHARGES

Note: Below Non-refundable fee is required to be paid by respective categories of candidates through online
payment gateway only. Payment made through any other mode like DD, Cheque, Postal Order will not be

Category of candidates Application Fee Intimation Charges Total
Male candidates belonging to
Unreserved (UR)/ EWS and OBC
Rs. 850 Rs. 400 Rs. 1,250/-
SC, ST, PWD, Ex-Serviceman and
Women candidates
NIL Rs. 400 Rs. 400/-
Procedure for applying online For Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023

(1) Candidates are first required to go to the CWC’s website and click on the link ‘Career @CWC
(Direct Recruitment)’ and then click on the option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENT NO.
2023/01” to open the On-Line Application Form.

(2) To register application, choose the tab “Click here for New Registration” and enter Name, Contact details and
Email-id. A Provisional Registration Number and Password will be generated by the system and displayed on the
screen. Candidate should note down the Provisional Registration Number and Password. An Email & SMS
indicating the Provisional Registration number and Password will also be sent.

(3) In case the candidate is unable to complete the application form in one go, he / she can save the data already
entered by choosing “SAVE AND NEXT” tab. Prior to submission of the online application candidates are advised
to use the “SAVE AND NEXT” facility to verify the details in the online application form and modify the same if
required. Visually Handicapped candidates should fill the application form carefully and verify/ get the details
verified to ensure that the same are correct prior to final submission.

(4) Candidates are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online application themselves as no
change will bepossible/ entertained after clicking the COMPLETE REGISTRATION BUTTON.

(5) The Name of the candidate or his /her Father/ Husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it
appears in the 10th Class Certificates/ Mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature.

(6) Validate your details and Save your application by clicking the ‘Validate your details’ and ‘Save & Next’ button.

(7) Candidates can proceed to upload Photo & Signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for
Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature.

(8) Candidates can proceed to fill other details of the Application Form.

(9) Click on the Preview Tab to preview and verify the entire application form before COMPLETE REGISTRATION.

(10) Modify details, if required, and click on COMPLETE REGISTRATION ONLY after verifying and ensuring that the photograph, signatures uploaded and other details filled by you are correct.

 (Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate,
Category, Date of Birth, Post Applied for, Address, Mobile Number, Email ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be
considered as final and no change/modifications will be allowed after submission of the online application form.
Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence
regarding change of details will be entertained. CWC will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of
furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the
application form.)

(11) Click on ‘Payment’ Tab and proceed for payment.

(12) Click on ‘Submit’ button.


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Note: The link above will take you to the job application. Copy the link and open it in a new tab. Best of luck!

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